I feel to write a blog post on this subject as I have encountered this spirit four times in my life, and it has had immensely destructive consequences for me each time I have encountered it. I want to bring awareness as to what this spirit is and how it operates in the hope that others may relate to my experiences and can learn to identify this spirit when they see it.
Jezebel was a Queen in the time of the prophet Elijah. She was an idol worshipper, very promiscuous, and acted like the King. She was jealous of her husband King Ahab's authority, so she usurped all of the authority from Ahab who was a weak and passive ruler. She brought terrible destruction on Israel and killed many of the prophets of God. She threated to kill Elijah as he dared stand up to her. She was entirely self absorbed, a narcissist, and evil to the core. She was eventually killed when her own servants threw her from her Palace window, and her body was trampled by horses and eaten by dogs, just as the prophet Elijah had prophesied.
She did however leave an unwelcome legacy behind her - the Jezebel spirit. This spirit carries all of her worst traits and tends to try to inhabit intelligent, attractive people - especially women. However, it can inhabit either women or men, and they don't necessarily have to be attractive - it will inhabit anyone who either gives it permission, or inherits this spirit through their generational lines. It's sole purpose is to bring destruction and division, and to especially target the people who are trying to do God's will for their lives. It operates in several different scenarios, sometimes all at the same time - it looks for people carrying mocking spirits as the two seem to go hand in hand, and it also goes after men who are carrying the Ahab spirit of passivity and weakness, as the Jezebel spirit knows that they will be easy to dominate. The Ahab spirit looks for a Jezebel spirit to worship and bow down to. I was carrying the Ahab spirit for many years, so this made me an easy target - which is why I have encountered this spirit so many times. It can easily lead both men and women astray - whether they are Christians or not. It always wants to grease up to those in power as it wants the power for itself. Its desire is to ensnare people into its web and get them stuck in a place where they literally worship this spirit, or those that carry it - as they should worship God Himself.
The first time I encountered this spirit was when I was studying at Faith Bible College in Tauranga. There was an older couple who lived on site there with me who had a young daughter. She became a friend of mine as time went on and after I finished my first year of Bible College I kept in touch with the family. When I finished my first year of Bible College I believe God's plan for me was that I was meant to stay where I was and do the second year immediately. But I had my own plans. I wanted to get a full time permanent job in my home city of Wellington and I demanded that God make this happen for me. He said to me "Fine - have it your way". He then gave me a vision of a timeline showing me that something was going to happen around Christmas, and He also gave me the word 6 months.
The important thing to note here is that at that particular time I was not where I was supposed to be - therefore I was outside of God's will and God's protection for my life. I was a lot younger back then, and more inexperienced regarding things of the spirit, so I was not aware of this fact at the time.
I found myself talking with this girl quite regularly and one day she confessed to me that she was interested in me. I told her immediately that I was flattered and considered her a friend but that I was not interested in a relationship with her as I just wasn't ready for it (which was true). She seemed to accept this and we continued being friends. However as time went on I began to feel an internal persistence where it's like I was being uncontrollably drawn to her. It almost felt like a moth heading into a light - it knew the light was going to kill it but it just couldn't help it. We started to become closer and I began to feel myself falling for her but it wasn't like falling in love - it was more like I was being manipulated into being attracted to someone I didn't really like in that way.
I saw her a few months later while this was going on and I found being around her extremely stressful because of what was happening to me internally. It was like there were two sides of me at war - one side was saying "something is seriously wrong here, you need to stay away from her at all costs" yet the other side was saying "I can't help it, I want to be with her, I'm trapped now" and the constant inner stress and turmoil affected me so badly I couldn't eat. I would go days on end without eating as if I tried I would just immediately want to vomit any food back up. It was absolutely horrible and I had no idea what was wrong. God told me around this time with great concern in His voice - "If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll be dead within two years".
Around Christmas time that year I went over to spend Christmas with her and her family. They lived on an offshore island off the coast of Auckland. Things were no better for me here - I found myself crying uncontrollably for no apparent reason. I once again was unable to eat for days on end and one day I felt as if someone grabbed my stomach and tore it in half. I began vomiting black and feeling lightheaded and dizzy, so the following morning I went to the doctor's office on the island who immediately declared me a medical emergency and radioed in the rescue helicopter to take me to Auckland hospital. I was treated for a bleeding stomach ulcer and found out that the black that I had been vomiting was digested blood. The ulcer was cauterized by putting a tube down my throat into my stomach with a little laser on it. I spent a few days in hospital after the procedure for observation. I lost a great deal of weight - a big deal for me as I was already very thin at the time.
Once I finally got out of hospital and got back to Wellington I was greeted with two significant rejections - my job told me my performance wasn't up to standard and I could see the writing on the wall that they wanted me to resign. The second rejection was from this girl - she told me she "didn't like sick people because they freaked her out" and then stopped speaking to me. I was devastated - but despite how nasty she was being and the fact that she was blaming me for being sick, I still kept on desperately wanting her attention even though most people would have told her to get lost. When I phoned her parents and spoke to them about how she was treating me, they enabled her behavior and even went so far as to blame me for how she was acting - "it's your fault Graham, you scared her off". I ended up resigning from the job after being there 6 months - so both words God gave me were fulfilled regarding a 6 month timeframe, and something significant happening around Christmas.
I realized that I was meant to be back at Bible College and that this is why things hadn't been working out for me, so I decided to enroll again and made the move back there in February. The girl's parents had also decided to re-enroll, and the girl herself started at a boarding school not far from the College. Because I was still so hypnotized by her the first thing I did when I got there was confess my "love" for her to her parents and asked them to tell her, but she was still being really mean to me about how sick I had been. I pleaded with her to come to the College to see me, but she refused. I found myself incredibly jealous of the fact that she was spending time with other people at this boarding school instead of with me. I also began to notice around this time that she was starting to refer to herself as "evil" on her online message board.
As time went on I slowly began to come to my senses now that I was back in God's will for my life. I began to realize that something else was at work here. I asked someone I trusted for prayer and described what had been going on - I said to them that I felt like I was drawn to this girl like she was a magnet and I couldn't stop myself. They prayed and they said they felt this girl had done some kind of black magic ceremony to bind us together. As soon as I got this word back I remembered this girl telling me while I was on the island - "I cast a spell on you". I did some more research and found out that there are indeed black magic spells that you can cast on people to make them fall in love with you, and that must have been what this girl had done to me.
I realized that despite how awfully she was treating me because I had been sick, I hadn't been able to walk away from the relationship (as any self respecting person would have done) because I was held in place by a spell that was still operating even though she was constantly rejecting me. She had caught me in her "web" and I couldn't get myself out of it, so she was being mean to me for being caught in it - even though she was the one who lured me into it to begin with. It was her witchcraft that created the stress and tension which put me in a position to make me so unwell in the first place. Everything finally began to make sense. I was absolutely furious. I immediately stopped reaching out to her, and I did my best to distance myself from her family - I stopped sitting with them at the College cafeteria and interacted with them as little as possible from that point onwards. I got prayer for deliverance to break off any spells and curses she had done to me.
Time passed, and she obviously noticed my absence and the fact that I was no longer pleading for her attention, so she reached out to me with a long email asking how everything was going. I responded coldly that I was too busy to talk in the hope that she would get the message and leave me alone while I was trying to put my life back together as I was still very fragile at the time - my stomach was still healing and I was dealing with PTSD from the experience, so I didn't want any confrontation to add to my stress even further.
As part of my Bible College course I was down in Taupo one weekend several months later. The girl's family had been travelling around during this weekend and knew that I was in Taupo, and insisted on picking me up to bring me back to Bible College. I knew this girl would be with them, and I hadn't seen her since I had been picked up by the helicopter on the island to be flown to hospital. I didn't want to see her, and I had planned to catch the bus back to Tauranga - but I felt God say to me clearly "you need to face this" so I grudgingly accepted the car ride back to College with the family.
When I got in the car the first thing she did was lean across and say "Hello!" as if everything was fine. I was disgusted. After all of the absolute hell on earth that she put me through, she thought that I would be happy to see her and that we could just go back to being friends, and that everything would be OK. The level of ignorance I saw was unlike anything I had ever seen in my life. I literally couldn't believe it. I was very hostile and uncommunicative the entire trip, which she seemed surprised and confused about as for whatever reason she genuinely didn't think she had done anything wrong. As soon as I got back to Bible College I sent her an email saying that we were no longer friends, and that I didn't want her speaking to me for the remainder of the time I was at College with her parents. I didn't go into too much detail with her as to why I ended the friendship as I was advised by College staff not to create any further tension plus I was still so fragile from what had happened.
Now the shoe was on the other foot - instead of staying away from the College she would come to stay there with her parents almost every weekend and would walk around sulking most of the time because I didn't want to speak to her. She occasionally tried to approach me and act friendly but I ignored her. One of the senior staff members at College who was aware of the situation (and arranged for the deliverance prayer I received) saw her skulking around the College campus and told me that I absolutely did the right thing to walk away from the friendship.
I eventually explained everything to all of them after we had all left Bible College. I told them how dangerous what she was meddling with was, and how it had affected me and could have killed me. I apologized if I had lead her on or anything and they "forgave me" for that, but never acknowledged anything else I said to them because as far as they were convinced, she was a little angel and that was that. A few years later the girl's mother developed cancer, and eventually died. I felt this was a sense of sowing and reaping as she was so awful to me for being sick when it wasn't my fault, and now had to experience the same thing with her mother, except she couldn't just reject her own mother like she did me, and her mother didn't recover from it like I did.
I believe it was this experience that the Jeremiah Calling I have had over my life was born out of. The level of wickedness shown by the daughter - not just with the witchcraft but the awful way I was treated for being sick, and the level of ignorance shown by the family who later went on to plant their own church (which failed miserably) was absolutely astonishing to me. Something within me said "I cannot let this kind of ignorance continue - any time I see ignorance like this from this day forth I must fight it with everything that I have". God gave me the scripture 1 Peter 2:15 regarding this situation - "For this is the will of God, that by doing good you would put to silence the ignorant talk of foolish men". He also told me that He had a ministry calling for me when I was about to leave College, and I realized that this Jeremiah Calling was the ministry He had for me. I also learned a valuable lesson not to stray off the path God had for my life, or the consequences could quite literally be fatal.
The second time I encountered this spirit was when I was working at a shop in Taupo several years later. There was a lady there who was a nasty, obnoxious bully towards everybody - both customers and staff alike, yet she got away with everything as the manager was her best friend. Just being around her made me extremely uncomfortable as I could sense the evil that dwelled within her (I was more sensitive to it at this time due to my experiences a few years prior). She was desperate for control and authority and acted as a manager even though she wasn't one, and was very promiscuous - she was constantly in and out of relationships that never worked out. A lot of the time it seemed as if the other women I worked with in the store were literally hypnotized by her. She treated me and other staff terribly the entire time she was there. This job - and specifically this experience of working with this woman - set me on course for a breakdown.
The third time was a woman who was visiting Taupo from the USA. This was about 2 years after my experience working at the shop. She was very promiscuous - she had just got out of a relationship when she arrived in NZ, and although she was only in NZ for a couple of months she spent the entire time leading men on. First it was me - I would regularly catch her checking me out and she would regularly seek out my attention when she came to stay at the camp site I worked at. Then she decided she was after someone else who was at the camp at the time - then she eventually settled on the best friend of the second guy she went after, who eventually ended up moving to the USA and marrying her. I later realized that he carried a mocking spirit, which explained why they got together. God put her strongly on my heart and when I saw them together it pushed me over the edge into a breakdown (which I was heading towards anyway as the time at the shop was so traumatic).
I tried to speak to her gently about how she was acting, and she disregarded everything I said and later on went so far as to call me "pure evil". Later on, once she had returned to the USA God told me to write her a long letter warning her clearly that the breakdown I experienced was a warning for the destruction that would come to her if she continued the relationship with the guy she ended up marrying. God told me to warn her that she needed to change her heart and actions or she would end up in a great deal of trouble in the future. She didn't listen. Her promiscuous, flirtatious actions caused a great deal of jealousy and destruction, and left several friendships irreparable. When she was confronted about this by another person she reacted very angrily and was in complete denial, and as a result I believe she has married the wrong person and will face consequences for this in the future if she hasn't already.
The fourth (and hopefully final) time came from when I was living and working in Tauranga. This lady started working in the office I worked at, and I quickly began to notice something was off about her. Every day she would spend the entire day talking about herself, and the other women I worked with all began to act as if they were completely mesmerized by her. She was also very promiscuous and would sit in the breakroom talking about all the different guys she had slept with, and who she was dating that particular week. All these girls would act spellbound by her every word and one of them - a married lady with children - actually said that she wished that she could have this promiscuous lady's life instead of her own.
She also loved to gossip and cause trouble - another habit of Jezebel who loves to cause division. She would take every opportunity to gossip about other people in the office - sometimes in plain sight. I noticed other people's attitudes began to change the longer she was around - other ladies who used to be nice and pleasant to be around all of a sudden began to take on Jezebel traits themselves - being overly bossy, controlling and toxic. I eventually had to leave this job (it was a fixed term contract) and I felt strongly to warn one of the ladies I worked with about this woman who carried Jezebel after I left. Being forced to once again work with someone who carried this spirit was a very unpleasant and stressful experience, and I don't want to ever go through it again.
Those were my experiences with this spirit. My advice on dealing with it is as follows -
1. Recognize it.
High ranking evil spirits like this operate primarily through ignorance. Its best defense is making people think it doesn't exist and that it's not really there. Though I certainly knew there was something wrong with the 4 people I have described in this blog - I wasn't able to identify what they carried as being the Jezebel spirit until quite recently. Satan would love for everyone to think "there's no such thing as Jezebel, that lady just likes attention, or just likes to joke around about casting spells on people, she is just naturally very bossy, or she just has a naturally hypnotic personality" because if they think like this, Jezebel can carry on its work of destruction undetected and can therefore continue to ensnare people freely without them even knowing about it. If your gut instinct starts telling you there is something really wrong with someone and you feel deeply uncomfortable around them, and they exhibit the traits I've mentioned in this blog - listen to what your gut is telling you.
2. Get away from it.
You cannot change the person who has it. You cannot stop them acting the way that they do. It will try to destroy you through them, and it will certainly destroy the person who carries it eventually - once it is done using them. They have to realize for themselves what they carry. You can't do it for them. I am fortunate that with all four situations, the way it ended was that I was able to part ways with all of these people as continuing to be around them would have been very bad for my mental and physical health. It took months of separation from the girl who lived on the island before I finally started to come to my senses and realize what was really going on, as it honestly seems to cloud your mind when you are around it. Even though I didn't know the Jezebel spirit by name back then, I knew as soon as I found out she was casting spells on me that I had no choice but to end the relationship permanently as I no longer felt safe around her. If you are 100% sure that someone in your inner circle of life is carrying this spirit and it is affecting you - do what you need to do to get away from it. If you suspect someone you are considering a relationship with carries it, be it personal or professional - don't get involved. I realized with the girl from the island that there must be some serious dysfunction in that family if this kind of spirit is allowed to set up home, and I wanted no part of it.
3. Realize that it is lethal.
Proverbs 7 talks about Jezebel and how she seeks to seduce people - especially men. Verse 23 warns of the consequences of being led astray by her. The verse says "He was like a bird darting into a snare, little knowing it would cost him his life". I certainly experienced the potential of dying when I was sick with the stomach ulcer - I was so pale and weak I couldn't walk, and I was later informed that I could easily have hemorrhaged and bled to death internally. If I had stayed with her I 100% believe I would not be here today writing this blog. I watched an hour long sermon about the Jezebel spirit and one of the things the pastor clearly outlined is that it made people suffering from its influence wish for death - this certainly was true for me as when I was on the island and had been vomiting blood the girl's parents were praying with me, and I said without thinking that I wished I was dead. I didn't understand why I said this at the time but looking back after watching that sermon it all finally made sense. It says in the Word that Jezebel herself was eventually betrayed and thrown to her death by her own, so I hate to think what fate will come to those who carry it themselves and do not pay attention to God's prompting to address it.
4. Pray for those who carry it.
All that you can really do for these people is pray for them - pray that they learn the truth about what they carry and repent before it is too late for them. Jesus said on the cross "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do". My honest belief with all of these four scenarios is that these people did not know that they carried a Jezebel spirit, even though two of them were supposedly Christians or at least raised in a Christian family, as both the girl from the island and the girl from USA had pastors as parents. It also says in the Word in Hosea 4:6 "My people perish through lack of knowledge". I have often wondered if the family on the island had taken what I said seriously, perhaps this girl's mother would still be alive as she was still relatively young when she died of cancer.
I hope that this blog speaks to someone and helps someone out there. It is not too late - you can still walk away from this spirit and its influence over your life.
Take care.
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