A collection of thoughts and opinions from the mind of one who thinks too much.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Death - a natural part of life
Saturday, August 20, 2011
What's your drug of choice?
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Don't pollute your promised land
Howcome? Why didn't God just take them straight there?
I believe that although the Israelites had come out of Egypt, God provided the 40 years in the wilderness in order to take Egypt out of them. Egypt was a land of slavery for the Israelite people, where they were oppressed and mistreated - however it was still a land of plenty. Many of the Israelites were often heard complaining about the wilderness and how they had things far better back in Egypt - despite the fact that it was a land of slavery. They were yearning to go back to an oppressive land in order to fulfill their own desires.
Though their location had changed - the land of slavery was now behind them - their hearts had been corrupted by that environment, and the corruption in their hearts was exactly why God lead them through the wilderness. So that they would come face to face with the darkness within themselves and rid themselves of it, so that they could enjoy the promised land to its fullest potential when they were ready to take it. Most of the Israelites failed miserably in this regard and did not approach their time in the wilderness as God wanted them to - which meant that out of the millions that left Egypt, only two of them entered the promised land. Two!!
This piece of scripture is incredibly relevant to mankind nowadays. Think about it - what drives us forward each day? We are all searching for our own individual promised land, those dreams which we hold nearest and dearest to our hearts, our hopes for the future. The promised land can look different to each of us - for some, it may be a relationship, others a dream job, etc etc.
So the question must be asked - what are we doing to prepare ourselves for the dreams we wish to have fulfilled in our lives?
I believe God did not allow most of the Israelites into the promised land because they still carried Egypt within them. If He had allowed them in, they would have polluted the land which they wished for so much with their own darkness, and that which was meant to be a blessing would have become a curse and a burden to them, all because of their own doing. They would have once again started searching for the promised land - even though they were already there and only wanted out because of something they could not face within themselves.
It is much the same with us. If we refuse to take the road less travelled through the wilderness and refuse to face the darkest depths of ourselves in those hard times of preparation, once we do eventually reach our promised land, it will become nothing but another Egypt to us. The guy who waited his whole life to get married and refused to deal with his issues to prepare himself for it? His dream will become a nightmare. Because he did not prepare himself properly and spent his time in the wilderness complaining about not being back in Egypt, or not being at the promised land yet, rather than approaching the wilderness the way God intends us to - facing ourselves and working out our darkest issues.
If you are facing the wilderness in your life today, instead of placing all your hopes on the promised land, perhaps ask God and yourself what you can be dealing with and changing in your life to prepare yourself properly for what it is that you are hoping for. Don't be afraid to face the darkest parts of yourself - for if you don't, they will lurk under the surface and ruin your promised land for you once it does arrive.
Take care and God bless.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
"Everything's changed, everything is different..."
Well, it’s been a while since I fired one of these up, I also just figured out how to connect Blogspot with Facebook, so I figure I may get a few more views now!
I am writing this post at a very interesting time in my life. A few months back I opened up my e:mail in the morning when I got to work and I read The Word For Today that had been emailed to me saying that “God Will Surprise You”. It spoke about how God brings changes into people’s lives and how the change can be sudden, and unexpected, and can often come out of discomfort.
I now sit here writing this blog post a mere few weeks later, except all of a sudden, that word came very true and everything has changed for me at the drop of a hat – due to unforeseen personal circumstances I am currently unemployed. I still have rent to pay and a vehicle to run, and besides a final pay out from work and a benefit which will start soon, I have no income. However, for the first time ever, I am not worried.
For those of you who know me well, you will know that I am a very plan orientated person. I like things to be ordered and to have structure and I find my safety and security in things that I have built or organized myself as I know the work that has gone into them, therefore I feel that I can trust them. However, God has been changing me from the inside out over the past few years, and has been helping me to deconstruct my prideful desires to control and organize things, and help me to learn to rely more upon Him rather than my own meticulous planning.
I’m reminded of a quote from one of my favourite ever movies, Terminator 2:Judgment Day. Sarah Connor has a voice over section in one part of the movie and she says the following:
“The future, always so clear to me, had become like a black highway at night. We were in uncharted territory now, making up history as we went along”.
That’s exactly how I feel. I’m staring into the future with no employment in sight, making up history as I go along. However, I know that God is riding this black highway with me, and that He knows what He’s doing, even if I don’t know. Being an avid motorcycle enthusiast and former rider, I am very used to piloting a motorcycle on my own and therefore being solely responsible for where it goes. My spiritual walk has been rather similar, admittedly. However, for the first time, God has taken over from me on the pilot’s seat, and I am riding pillion with Him, on the back of the bike, having no idea where we are going. At times it feels like He takes corners a bit too fast for my liking, and seems to go charging ahead when I would prefer to just hang back and play it safe. But, I guess it’s all part of the adventure, something I will have to get used to.
That word came true, alright. God has surprised me. I never expected the changes to come into my life that have arrived. But it’s ok. He’s teaching me to be a good pillion and learn to trust Him with the throttle.